Windows Server 2008 NTP feature is not work

Windows Server 2008 NTP feature is not work!!!

  1. w32tm /unregister
  2. Access is denied. (0x8007005)
  3. Started netlogon service and it then allowed me to configure/use the w32time service.
  4. Start the netlogon service via 'net start netlogon'.
  5. Netlogon 服務正在啟動 . Netlogon 服務無法啟動。服務沒有報告任何錯誤。 3534 The service did not report an error.
  6. Event Viewer: 這個 Windows NT 電腦是設成某個工作群組的一個成員,並不是網域的 成員。Netlogon 服務不需要在這個設定下執行。 [WTF]
  7. The Netlogon service does not start and event IDs 2114 and 7024 are logged in Windows Server 2003 and in Windows 2000 Server, all options needs to restart the server, my server is located in HongKong !!!
  8. I just download the NTPClock from http://www.stdtime.gov.tw and execute the program with the option 'Run as Administrator'
  9. Done
