LAMP, MSSQL, FreeTDS Setting,
If you want to to connect to MSSQL by PHP, you need to install FreeTDS
如果你要用 PHP 要連接 MSSQL 的話需要安裝 FreeTDS
Basically, refer to the below link, and I take note in environment for self-compiled.
基本上以下內容參考下列網址, 另外有針對自行編譯的環境作說明
1. wget
## To get FreeTDS package
## 取得 FreeTDS 安裝套件
## Actually suggests to the official website to download
## 實際上建議到官網去下載
2. uncompress the downloaded file and cd to sources folder
3. ./configure --enable-msdblib --prefix=/usr/local/freetds
4. make
5. make install
## copy some supplementary files
## 複製一些支援用的檔案
6. cp include/tds.h /usr/local/freetds/include
7. cp src/tds/.libs/libtds.a /usr/local/freetds/lib
8. get php devel sources if you don't have it and install it, get php sourcers files, uncompress it, chdir to the source folder,
如果你的 php 是系統自動安裝的套件的話需要另外再安裝 php-devel, 如果是 php source tar ball 的話, 解壓縮檔案後進入接壓縮的目錄,
9. chdir ext/mssql
10. phpize
## To pay attention to the php installation path, /[the php installation path]/bin/phpize,
## 要注意安裝 php 路徑, /[php安裝路徑]/bin/phpize,
11. ./configure --with-mssql=/usr/local/freetds
## If can not find php-config, set the parameter '--with-php-config=PATH'.
## If the parameter is useless, then excute the command 'PATH="$PATH":/[the php installation path]/bin' to fix the issue.
## 如果找不到 php-config, 設定 --with-php-config=PATH 參數
## 如果參數沒有用的話就要執行 PATH="$PATH":/[php安裝路徑]/bin, 執行之後就不用 --with-php-config=PATH 的參數
12. make
13. cp modules/ php-extension-path, or make install
## make install is easier.
## make install 比較簡單
14. echo "/usr/local/freetds/lib" >> /etc/
15. echo "export FREETDSCONF=/usr/local/freetds/etc/freetds.conf" >> /etc/profile
## add the following setting in extension section in php.ini
## 在 php.ini 裡面的延伸原件設定裡加入下列的設定
17. add in httpd.conf right above "Include /etc/httpd/mod_php.conf"
在 httpd.conf 裡面加入這一個設定 "Include /etc/httpd/mod_php.conf",
## If you can not find the file named 'mod_php.conf', then you just add the following two lines in the httpd.conf.
## 如果你找不到這個檔案 [mod_php.conf], 你只要加下列兩行到 httpd.conf 裡
LoadModule php5_module libexec/apache/
AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
18. set you server connection in /usr/local/freetds/etc/freetds.conf
在 /usr/local/freetds/etc/freetds.conf 設定你的 MSSQL server 連線
19. setenv FREETDSCONF /usr/local/freetds/etc/freetds.conf
20. export FREETDSCONF=/usr/local/freetds/etc/freetds.conf
## If you have no command named setenv, then you just use the command named export.
## 19 with the 20 is actually the same thing.
## They are to set a system environment variable called FREETDSCONF with the corresponding value.
## In fact, I make 20, because I do not have this with the shell command, so should be alternatively.
## 如果你沒有指令 setenv, 你就用 export.
## 19 跟 20 實際上是一樣的事情, 就是設定一個系統環境變數叫做 FREETDSCONF 跟相對應的值,
## 實際上我是作 20, 因為我用的 shell 沒有這個指令, 應該是二選一
## Warning!!! For test w/o reboot server,
## 注意!!! 測試不需要重新開機,
21. restart apache
重新啟動 apache
22. verify mssql enabled with phpinfo()
用 phpinfo() 驗證 mssql 連接已經啟動
23. run your test script.
24. other fine tunnigs and settings
## Warning!!!
pls. keep in mind:
- your ms SQL must be setup with socket listing ;)
- check windows box firewall to accept TCP 1433 connection.
## 注意!!!
你的 MSSQL 一定要設定成接受網路連線
確認你的 windows 防火牆的 TCP 1433 埠接受連線