[消費新聞] [新聞備份] Vista效應尚未發酵,DVD燒錄機率先倒貨,工業包DVD燒錄機流竄,零售商低於行情1成拋售。



  • 2007/02/09
  • Vista效應尚未發酵 DVD燒錄機率先倒貨
    工業包DVD燒錄機流竄 零售商低於行情1成拋售
  • (記 者許金池/台北)微軟(Mircosoft)新一代作業系統Vista買氣效應尚未發酵,DVD燒錄機率先上演一波倒貨場景,近期大陸市場出現拋售OEM 工業包裝的DVD燒錄機,低於零售行情約1成,儘管台灣市場並未出現工業包四處流竄的情況,不過,燦坤(2430)新開幕的台北站前店樂金電子(LG Electronics)品牌18倍速DVD燒錄機以699元限量促銷,使得報價行情顯得異常混亂不已。





    不僅工業包的DVD燒錄機流竄市場,受到進入第一季銷售淡季的影響,整體DVD燒錄機零售價行情再破新低,18倍速報價行情由1,300∼1,500元,下 探至1,300元以下,下滑幅度約1成。此外,燦坤新開幕站前店亦以699元限量促銷樂金品牌的18倍速DVD燒錄機,Vista銷售不如預期效應,大量 DVD燒錄機貨源相繼拋出,也讓PC業者始料未及。

  • 20070209

    How to back up and recover Outlook Express data


    如何備份及回復 Outlook Express 資料

    You Do Not Have Access to Logon to This Session

    Terminal Services Client Error Message: You Do Not Have Access to Logon to This Session

    View products that this article applies to.
    Article ID : 224395
    Last Review : October 30, 2006
    Revision : 2.2

    This article was previously published under Q224395

    When you try to log on using the Terminal Services client, you may receive the following error message:
    Logon Message: You do not have access to logon to this session.

    Terminal Services has a default connection security setting allows only administrators to log on. If the security attributes on a specified connection have not been set, the connection inherits these default security settings. For additional information, please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
    225038 (http://support.microsoft.com/kb/225038/EN-US/) Default Connection Changes Are No longer Applied
    If the default connection security settings do not meet your needs, you can set custom security attributes.

    To set custom Terminal Services connection permissions:
    1. Click Start, point to Programs, point to Administrative Tools, and then click Terminal Services Configuration.
    2. Open the Connections folder.
    3. Right-click the connection (RDP-TCP), and then click Properties.
    4. On the Permissions tab, add the group(s) that needs access to this connection.
    5. Click OK.

    This behavior is by design.

    • Microsoft Windows 2000 Server
    • Microsoft Windows 2000 Advanced Server
    • Microsoft Windows 2000 Datacenter Server

    kbenv kberrmsg kbprb KB224395


    How to adjust Remote Desktop resolution and colors.

    遠端桌面(Terminal Services)
    Configuring Remote Desktop

    Features Available on the Remote Desktop Connection Logon Interface
    TabSettings to ConfigureNotes


    Enter or change logon and connection settings.

    Enter remote computer name, network user name, network password, and network domain.

    Selecting Save my password allows you to enter the password at connection time and store it for future Remote Desktop sessions.

    Saving connection settings allows you to use a configuration throughout an enterprise.


    Change remote desktop size (resolution) and colors.

    Selectable session resolution and color depth allow you to adjust for specific needs.

    Local Resources

    Control sound, keyboard, and local devices.

    Enabling sounds at the client computer enhances the session.

    Applying Windows key combinations within the Remote Desktop session enhances the session.

    Allowing the session to control local devices automatically boosts productivity.


    Start a program and change an icon.

    Setting the session to start a specific program upon connection can improve efficiency. (This tab is available only for terminal server sessions.)


    Set bitmap caching and compression.

    Allowing certain features in this tab will provide a richer visual experience at higher bandwidths.