2. Blue Screen of Death
  3. STOP: 0x0000007E
  4. How to Disable a Service or Device that Prevents Windows from Starting
  5. Error message in Windows XP Service Pack 2: "Stop 0x7E"
  6. 0x1000007e site:microsoft.com
  7. Use Hibernate and Standby to Conserve Batteries
How the issue happened? The issue was caused by the 'Remote Boot SCSI Miniport Virtual Adapter', when windows removes the driver and reboot, my t43 will show BSOD. The driver is a part of the DiskSafeExpress [It's called DSE later], it's used for launching remote boot disk with PXE boot to boot with no disk or broken disk. Why I want to remove the driver? Because the driver will cause my t43 hibernates fail [see the dialog].

The driver should be removed when the remote boot is disabled or the DSE is removed, but it's not removed on my t43. So today I tested new version of the DSE and enabled the remote boot, and remote boot was success, then I disabled the remote boot. The dialog shows me it needs to reboot to finish the procedure, so I click the OK to reboot.

After reboot, the windows showed the BSOD repeatedly, and I searched with google, and install ed the patch KB900485, it's not useful, so I thought the issue is not about the system files.

I saw many articles took about the third party drivers maybe cause the windows system BSOD, so I pressed F8 and entered the safe mode, and go to the [Add or Remove Programs], I removed the all programs that included the system drivers that are unnecessary, like PL2303 USB to RS232, MOXA USB to RS232, Nero 6 [Include Nero Image Driver], Ethereal / WinPcap, PDF Creator, etc.... After I removed those drivers, I reboot my t43.

After the t43 reboot, it's magical, I can see the login dialog. I login the windows and checked the device manager, the 'Remote Boot SCSI Miniport Virtual Adapter' was removed success, it's not visible in the device manager. I clicked the Start/Shutdown/Hibernate, the hibernate works well.

I was success to fix the hibernate fail issue on my t43.

The rule of the driver removing is remove the useless drivers first, then remove the newer drivers, finally remove the application programs that include the system drivers, like Nero [Image driver], Daemon [Free CD/DVD emulator], etc....

The basic drivers, like the VGA card drivers, ATA controller drivers, NIC drivers, if these drivers cause the computer non-bootable, users should know when the new system was installed. So these drivers are not easy to cause the issue.

The happiness is I did the something that RD maybe not to do, because my manager told me that her NB had the same issue before, but the RD told she there were no way to fix the issue.

Thanks everyone for seeing this article. Sorry for my poor English~~


"Windows cannot unload your registry class file" error message when you log off Terminal Services


MS03-026: Buffer Overrun in RPC May Allow Code Execution

Terminal Services event messages 1100 or 1114 in Windows 2000 Server or Windows Server 2003


Use connection setting from user settings
Connect client printers at login
Default to main client printer

然後把Disable the following裡的選項除了Clipboard Mapping以外的所有選項都打勾,只保留剪貼簿共用的功能,把server side跟client side盡量脫鉤,免的client side裝什麼printer,server side就要跟著裝,這樣不瘋掉才有鬼。



To PCZone:


我的裝機狀況,跟你聊一下。這次轉換到Seed Net才讓我感覺到中華電信裝機人員的無禮跟讓人討厭。






1. 少一個客戶的問題,這關我什麼事,我什麼原因要從中華電信轉出來是我的事情,再說少一個客戶的業績也不會算在裝機人員頭上。
2. 趕快裝機的問題,我家裡的人不懂ADSL相關的問題,ATUR 也在房間的角落裡,我房間也很亂,所以我比較希望到家裡改 ATUR 設定的時候我可以在場,這樣也不用擔心影響到我家人的作息[因為我爸中午要睡午覺,我怕安裝不順有什麼意外~],另外一個事情是我不喜歡我不在家裡的時候有別人進到我的房間裡[即使是我的家人或者女朋友],怕什麼東西動到導致電腦或網路出問題,或者掉東西,要是有問題誰要負責任?
